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Crypto News: Market Rally, Solana, BTC, ETH ETFs & MORE!!

Nov 14, 2023

🚨 New Video Alert!! 🚨

Time for another weekly crypto review. As you can imagine, there’s a lot to go through. 

The spot Bitcoin ETF hype, the Ethereum ETF hype, and all the hype around altcoins, particularly Solana. 

The craziest part of it all is that most of this rally has been driven by pure speculation – speculation that an ETF approval is imminent, and that crypto will see billons of dollars of inflows. 

This may very well be the case, but there are other factors at play that could pull the crypto market down. For the first time in a while, these factors could be macro in nature.

This is one you need to watch until the end!


⛓️ 🔗 Useful Links 🔗 ⛓️ 

► SEC Window To Approve Bitcoin ETF: https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-etf-approval-window-sec-bloomberg-analysts 

► Blackrock Files For Ethereum ETF: https://cointelegraph.com/news/blackrock-enters-race-spot-ethereum-etf-nasdaq-filing 

► Gary Gensler Open To FTX Reboot: https://cointelegraph.com/news/sec-gary-gensler-hints-open-ftx-crypto-reboot 

► Xi And Biden To Meet On Wednesday: https://apnews.com/article/united-states-china-biden-xi-taiwan-trade-680af92f930fda29468a5a39b95f70e6 


📜 Disclaimer 📜

The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome.